Saturday, October 18, 2008

God Forgives

Psalms 130:3-4
"If you, O Lord, Kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand? But with You there is forgiveness; therefore You are feared."

the moment we receive Christ into our lives, we turn against the perspective of the world and, begin that 180 degree turn. we are now more likely to fall into sin rather than dive into it. we have, therefore, become missionaries and are called to serve God.
but it is not something anyone should take with pride, because we are no more than privilaged to be called by Him.
we always praise God for the things He has done in our lives, yet we tend to forget to praise Him for not remembering our sins. theough we are made righteos through Him, we can NEVER be righteos without Him.
if we had a marble for every sin we've ever committed, God knows how big of a box it would need to contain it all. but because God loves us so much, He chose to ignore every single one! as humans, we forget that forgiving one sin committed against us isn't as easy as it sounds, and turn a deaf ear whenever we hear someone reminding us to forgive thy neighbor. God's love is so powerful that He is willing to forgive our hundreds (if not thousands) of sins. when jesus Christ died on the cross, it displayed His unfathomable love for us because He does not want us to burn and die in all eternity in hell, for the wages of sin is death.
there's NO sin God cannot forgive, that's why we should fear and praise Him. furthermore, just because God can forgive, doesn't mean we should abuse that grace.
what He wants from us is our constant love and devotion for Him which means we should love God more than anything or anyone else on earth.
He is always willing to forgive, and so should we, for if we forgive, we will also be forgiven. we should keep it in mind that He has forgotten our transgressions, and that we could NEVER be without Him. if at times it seems difficult for us to forgive, take a moment to look back to the cross and see how much one man was willing to go through to forgive the world of its sins.

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